Thursday, February 14, 2013

Return Lent Day 2

(My dogs looking out the window waiting on Dad to return)
Okay only day two and I had trouble getting to my blog to write but I did think about it all day. I have to say I LOVE that my husband is doing this project too and we are both focused on our blog and our path this 40 days. Follow him too at....
The picture for today are our dogs Cezar and Addie waiting on David to come home from the store today. They don't know where he went and they don't know when he will be home but they do know that he always comes home. They usually wait right by this window and look for the car to pull up and run to the door to greet him.
The bible verse I was drawn to with "return" today was
Matthew 24: 42
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come"
I think this really can become overwhelming to many of us and so much so that we become callused to the fact that Jesus is coming back! How do we live day by day knowing that it could be any minute?
When I was little I had a Bible that had a picture of someone sleeping on a park bench and it had a study day talking about "do not sleep always be on watch and ready". Well as a kid this page FREAKED ME OUT! I was so worried I would be caught off guard and Jesus would forget to take me too just pass on by because I was asleep.
Obviously that isn't how the scripture reads and not what God has intended for us but we do know that one day will come and heaven will come to earth. What will that look like? I don't know. I could look up many scholars and see what they think or how they perceive it to be but none of us really know. I do know that we have to continue to prepare our hearts and draw closer to God daily.
I try to remind myself of the "return" in life by the joy my sweet girls have when I come through the front door after work or after travel. They scream and yell and all run at me excited. (Sadly I know this will not be as big of an event as they grow up but for now I will look forward to it each day!)
I picture this type of pure JOY when we do see our Lord face to face.
Tomorrow... "see" (stay tuned and please subscribe to the blog to follow posts).

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